Passivhaus | via N. Bonaparte 17B | Putignano (BA)

It is the first multi-family Passivhaus building in Southern Italy, winner of the Green Solutions Awards 2019 competition for Italy in the Health & Comfort category. It is a building whose energy performance, in compliance with the requirements that characterise the Passivhaus standard, is certified by the Passivhaus Institut of Darmstadt, on which the issue of the relevant certificate depends.

The building has 8 properties and 1 office and is characterised by its very high living comfort. This comfort translates into optimal indoor temperatures in both winter and summer and healthy indoor air in terms of relative humidity, pollutants and allergens. The flats boast large verandas and dedicated parking spaces. The ground floor apartments have their own gardens.

Passivhaus constructions fall into the category of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB).

Project type:
Building type:
Building location:
via N. Bonaparte 17B
Intervention object:
New construction
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Such a high level of energy performance can only be achieved through dedicated design.  

The building envelope has a high air tightness and the internal comfort ventilation allows heat recovery ensuring clean air at all times.

This means that very little energy is needed to heat and cool the house, so systems are reduced to a minimum and expenses are reduced by up to 90 per cent compared to standard buildings.

In a Passivhaus, a high level of thermal insulation is achieved with minimal thermal bridges. Window openings are sized and positioned according to the cardinal points, so as to take advantage of free solar inputs in winter, while still obtaining protection from overheating in summer.


Strengths of the project

Minimo impatto ambientale

Innovation for sustainability

A truly special project certified and internationally recognised for its great qualities and non-invasive impact on the environment. A true excellence for the building sector.


Minime spese energetiche

Minimum energy costs

Thanks to efficient thermal insulation systems, heating and cooling your home is simple and economical. Maximum use is made of natural energy to lower costs by up to 90 per cent.

Vista sulla campagna circostante

View of the surrounding countryside

The elevated position of the Passivhaus in Putignano allows an impressive view of the surrounding countryside. A not insignificant detail that increases the serenity of living.

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