Building | via Turati | Castellana Grotte (Ba)

It is the first building constructed in Castellana Grotte in compliance with the eco-sustainable criteria laid down in the ITACA Protocol,, the most widespread evaluation system that allows the performance of a construction to be verified considering specific factors, including consumption, energy efficiency, impact on the environment and human health.

The building is located on Via Filippo Turati, within the historic centre, and consists of a basement floor for car parking (9 parking spaces inside the garage and one garage outside), a ground floor with two living quarters and two commercial premises, and three floors each comprising three living quarters.

Castellana Grotte (BA)
Project type:
Building type:
Itaca Protocol conformity:
Intervention object:
New construction

The design complied with the ITACA protocol according to Law 13/2008, achieving the level set by the law on sustainability- and benefiting -according to the Sustainability Regulation approved by the Municipality of Castellana Grotte- from volumetric incentives.   

The ITACA protocol is a tool for assessing and verifying a building’s performance with regard to consumption, energy efficiency, and impact on the environment and human health.

Individua, quindi, i criteri sulla base dei quali effettuare tali valutazioni, definendo -sulla base di un punteggio finale sintetico- il grado di miglioramento dell’insieme delle prestazioni rispetto al livello standard.

Compliance with the ITACA protocol is a guarantee and a valuable support to guide buyers in their choice.

Strengths of the project

Minime spese energetiche

Energy saving

This is one of the goals we strive to pursue through the conscious use of resources and, in particular, of renewable energies, solar in the first place. In this way, we minimise the contribution of plants powered by artificial sources.

Tutela identità storica

Respect for the territory

Our intervention aims to preserve the historical and typological characteristics linked to the tradition of buildings. We always work for a harmonious development of the territory that considers innovations without affecting the historical value of the city.

Residential and commercial needs

We reconcile residential and commercial needs by providing well-structured environments with every comfort to ensure a peaceful coexistence of families and professionals. Features of versatility and attention to detail.