Building | via Turati C1.5 | Castellana Grotte (BA)

The building is constructed in Via Filippo Turati in Castellana Grotte in compliance with the eco-sustainable criteria laid down in the ITACA Protocol, the most widespread evaluation system that allows the performance of a construction to be verified considering specific factors, including consumption, energy efficiency, impact on the environment and human health.

This public residential building includes 16 flats and is located on lot A2 of the C1-5 plot plan. The solutions envisaged for the building and the relative energy and environmental performance were analysed and evaluated considering the climatic data of the city of Castellana Grotte, in order to obtain a harmonious integration with the territory capable of making the attentions suggested by the ITACA protocol worthwhile.

Castellana Grotte (BA)
Project type:
Building type:
Itaca Protocol conformity:
Intervention object:
New construction

Among the many functional features that minimise the environmental impact of the building is the rainwater recovery system, which is used entirely for the irrigation of the green areas (drinking water from the municipal aqueduct is not used for this purpose).

The building is located in an urban context in an expanding area served by a local public transport network with a stop 200 metres from the building entrance.

There are also commercial and cultural activities close to the building, such as a grocery store, a church, a primary school, a public garden and a gymnasium.

Strengths of the project

Zona in espansione

Expanding area

The apartment building is located in an area that is undergoing a strong development and is constantly enriched with new services. It is served by local public transport and is suitable for family life.

Minimo impatto ambientale

Minimum environmental impact

The building's plant engineering features, in compliance with the ITACA protocol, are designed and applied to ensure maximum respect for the environment and minimum impact in favour of liveability.

Tutela identità storica

Preservation of historical identity

Our intervention aims to preserve the historical and typological characters linked to the tradition of buildings. We always work for a harmonious development of the area that takes innovations into account without affecting the historical value of the city.