A story built with passion

Every day we design the home where families and professionals will see their dreams grow and come true. It is an act of mutual trust that makes us proud and, before anything else, encourages us to consolidate our skills and our working method. In other words… our foundation.

We start from who we are in order to reread our past in an innovative key and push us towards the future with the same enthusiasm as when Tonik s.r.l. was born in Castellana Grotte. Since then t has been a time full of achieved goals and cultivated relationships, in which the desire to inhabit the world with a great sense of responsibility finds ever more space.

Inspired by the tenacity and dedication of Pasquale Primavera, to whom we owe the founding of the company in 2001 and the careful supervision of all operational phases, today we are a team that recognises the beauty of working together to handle customer requests with maximum efficiency.


The principles that guide us

Our evolution rests on solid foundations. Our guiding principles guide our choices and allow us to face every change with courage while remaining faithful to our identity.


Each new project is a new challenge for us. Facing it with enthusiasm is what guarantees the successful realisation of our work, i.e. the right balance between our professional gratification and customer satisfaction.


We focus on construction and sustainable construction specifically, because that is what we believe in. We are passionate about the industry, constantly looking for innovative techniques and qualified suppliers to implement the value of our constructions.


We like elaborating projects, but even more, we like realising them. We like coming up against problems, but even more, we like solving them. We like to imagine the house in which the next family that entrusts itself to us will live, but even more we like to build it. We are concrete, we are real.


We have acquired in the field the experience that distinguishes us and that today allows us to be particularly appreciated in the area of Bari and its province. We have invested in training and skills to validate and revive our professionalism.


We are honest: we owe it to those who entrust us with their biggest dream. No deception, every detail of our projects is shared to facilitate the choice. This is how we conduct transparent negotiations to support calm investments.

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”
(Frank Lloyd Wright)

Our experience serving different housing and production needs

We design and customise solutions that perfectly suit the lifestyle and working style of our clients. Tonik constructions respond to any need for use while preserving their specific characteristics.


Single or multi-family residential solutions that are comfortable and beautiful to live in.


At the service of companies that need adequate space to develop.


Commercial premises designed to ensure maximum efficiency for activities.

Vista sulla campagna circostante


Rural buildings for agricultural business activities.

Tertiary use

Real estate in cadastral category C designed according to specific use.


Careful work to give a new look to palaces and buildings rediscovering their value.

What makes us special

Tonik encompasses an ever-new energy that combines with the purest energy, that of nature. We are committed to construction that is positively integrated into the environment in which it develops: sustainability is our priority and our main specialisation.

Renewable Sources
100 %
Energy Efficiency
100 %
Living Comfort
100 %